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Why is Kodi not working on Hisense Android TV?

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It's been a week since I last used Kodi to stream my favorite entertainment titles on my Hisense Android TV.
When I launch the app, it either crashes or fails to load the content. There are no internet issues, as I have cross-checked from the ISP end. I have been using Kodi on my smartphone for years and never have I got such issues.
Now, what shall I do to fix it up? Help me with effective troubleshooting ideas.

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As there are no network issues, the primary reason for this problem is the outdated Kodi app version. Try updating the Kodi app on Hisense TV and open it. If the app fails to load or crashes again, restart the Hisense TV and check again.

If the problem persists, I would recommend you to uninstall the Kodi app and reinstall it on Hisense Android TV. If you face problems only while using particular addons on Kodi, uninstall the addon that exhibits problems and try using other addons for streaming.
